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Kwiktech improves on the centuries old technique of Compression & Tension Forces, as used in trusses for house construction, and catapults it into the 21st century thanks to state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge manufacturing processes.
Kwiktech Official Load Ratings Released
Load Test 1 – Force on 38mm Side – 1m Span
38mm x 25mm x 1.2mm Galv. Steel Rail connected with Kwiktech to 50mm x 50mm x 1.6mm Galv. Steel Rail.
Deformation of Steel Beam at 2400 Newtons.
Load Test 2 – Force on 25mm Side – 1m Span
38mm x 25mm x 1.2mm Galv. Steel Rail connected with Kwiktech to 50mm x 50mm x 1.6mm Galv. Steel Rail.
Deformation of Steel Beam at 3300 Newtons.
Load Test 3 – Truss Section Over 1m (5 Braces)
50mm x 50mm x 1.6mm Galv. Steel Rail connected with Kwiktech to 38mm x 25mm x 1.2mm Galv. Steel Braces.
Deformation of Steel Beam at 15000 Newtons.
Load Test 5 – Force on 25mm Side – 1m Span
38mm x 25mm x 1.5mm Gr.6106 T6 Aluminium Rail connected with Kwiktech to 50mm x 50mm x 1.6mm Gr.6060 T5 Aluminium Rail
Deformation of Aluminium Beam at 1850 Newtons.
Load Test 6 – Truss Section Over 1m (5 Braces)
50mm x 50mm x 1.6mm Gr.6060 T5 Aluminium Rail connected with Kwiktech to 38mm x 25mm x 1.5mm Gr. 6106 T6 Aluminium Braces
Deformation of Aluminium Beam at 8600 Newtons.